Midnight Tides by
Steven Erikson
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Oh god, i am still 5% to go in this book, but I'll read it when I pick up my tablet in next few hours.
Other than Tehol and Bugg, this book was a drag. But even through the drag, there were parts that were good, I liked the gold coin studded emperor and his visits to the crippled god's island. There was no Karsa in this, that made me sad. I have a legit hard-on for Karsa's antics. Guy is my spirit animal.
Also, I liked Iron Bars, the guy is a badass in his own way. There was some mention of the Crimson Guard in Gardens of the Moon, I think. One of these guys saved the thief from getting killed by a tiste andii. God, that was so long ago. I am half forgetting what happened in that book. This book was a ride in a way, even though it had slow parts. I fucking hated Udinaas. What the fuck is up with that guy? I have no idea. I couldn't give two shits about the feather witch or any of the secondary Edur characters. Fillers, all of them.
I could not make myself care about the other storylines, but the banter between T & B was amazing. That made the book worth reading for me. The jokes were funny, I can't remember how to write most of the names and right now I am too lazy to look em up. But yeah, it's an important book in the series.
Right now, I am just left with a sense of unease after reading this, but maybe that has to do with something else, something personal. But fuck that. I am not sure if I want to dive into the next book right after this one. Maybe I'll read something else to lighten the mood. This was almost 950 pages. More like 2-3 books. Phew. The new jack reacher book was out some time back, I got that, maybe I'll dig into that.
Bottom line, read this for Tehol and Bugg.
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