Sunday, September 14, 2014

Book Review : Half A King : Joe Abercrombie

Damn, I wrote a long review but goodreads ate that and it didn't publish.

So, i'll write a short review.

Read this book.

It makes a strong case for the next two books. Not the classic Joe Abercrombie blood, guts and swear words fest, but the book is good in its own skin.



That was the good reads review of Half A King. Now this is the blogger review.

The book is excellent, if you're looking for a journey in both physical as well as metaphorical sense. We see the lead Yarvi grow from just a youth who has been burdened with responsibility to a youth who knows how to shoulder the weight that has been thrown on his back.

Abercrombie spins a good story, with characters that are memorable and it really sets the stage for the next two books. The surprises in the story do take you by surprise and there are ample.

There is a range of emotions going through the book that is just excellent. All I'd say here is that get this book and prepare yourself for the next two. 

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