Sunday, December 26, 2010

We Know :: Greg Hurwitz - Non Review

I finished reading the book yesterday. It started off with a good pace but somewhere around the middle the pace slackened. The book kept promising something more with every page turn but nothing happened. Well, nothing much. No exploding helicopters, no dragons. Very less body count. A book should get the reader excited and keep him awake till morning light. Sadly, this book was not that.

Lately, i've been picking books just by looking at covers and reading blurbs, just a primal instinct to pick books and challenge myself to read them. But last few reading experience of real books have not been that good. On the other hand, i've enjoyed reading ebooks like 61 Hours and Worth Dying For, both Jack Reacher books. And presently, i am reading Eternal Prison by Jeffery Somers. JS is a fun dude, you can read his blog here.

Picked another book Furnace : Death Sentence by Alexander Gordon Smith. No idea what kind of book it is. Seemed fast and the cover was good. See, this is all it takes to make the sale sometimes. :)



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